
 Nagasaka elementary school is the new school which was founded in April 2013. Four elementary schools、Hinoharu, Nagasaka, Akita and Koizumi, were integrated.

Nagasaka was a town located in Kitakoma District, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan.

As of 2003, the town had an estimated population of 9,377 and a density of 229.49 persons per km². The total area was 40.86 km².

On November 1, 2004, Nagasaka, along with the towns of Hakushū, Sutama and Takane, and the villages of Akeno, Mukawa and Ōizumi (all from Kitakoma District), was merged to create the city of Hokuto.


institution、 facilities

:*Sorry only Japanese site


 Students of our school


Blog. of our school   link・QRcord    
CASTA-NET(Multilingual resources for school children with foreign backgrounds and software tools available on the Internet)
Japanese site

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