School events


Physical examination

Medical examination

You understand your growth and condition correctly.

 Excursion  once or twice in a year
 In this out of school program, you learn and experience what you cant learn in school.
 Camp  fall season  Activities staying overnight at Yatsugatake shounen shizen no ie in Kiyosato.
 School trip  May

Students 6th grade primary school for two nights.

 Expenses of trip are paid by reserve.
 Sports festival  September

Running races, relay races, dance, etc.., pupils enjoy sport working with classmates.

You lunch with your family.

Cultural presentation

 October  The opportunity to present. Chorus, theater and other works.


Contact with school

 Parent/teacher meetings are arranged for teachers and parents to discuss their childs work. 

 It is necessary for the school to inform the parents of how the children spend their days in school and what the school does for children. Please come and see.

Class visit

Parents meeting

PTA general meeting 
April and end of term 

Parents/guardians can visit childrens classes to see how they study. After the class, parents/guardians can talk with the teacher about the school work.

 Home visits  April or May

The class teacher visits childrens homes and talks with their parents/guardians. They talk about how children are at home.

 Individual interview  Oct. or Nov.

Parents/guardians come to school and talk with the teachers about their childrens study and life.